The Effect of Affective Components on Impulse Buying
Ooi Ennie, Rabeatul Husna Abdull Rahman, Choi Sang Long and Halimah M. Yusof
Ooi Ennie, Rabeatul Husna Abdull Rahman, Choi Sang Long and Halimah M. Yusof

An Assessment of Bank-Specific Factors on Operational Efficiency: An Empirical Study on Selected Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
Alam, Jahangir and Akhter Nazmoon
Alam, Jahangir and Akhter Nazmoon

Do Female Managers Promote Work-Family Cultures of Banking Organizations in Bangladesh? An Emerging Economy Perspective
Md. Mahi Uddin
Md. Mahi Uddin

Does Excess Bank Liquidity Impact Non-Performing Loan? A Study on Bangladeshi Economy
Md. Khaled Amir
Md. Khaled Amir

Determinants of Customers’ Behavioural Intentation in the Childcare Service Industry: A Review of Literature
Nik Syuhailah Nik Hussin, Safiek Mokhlis, Hayatul Safrah Salleh and Zuraimi Abdul Aziz
Nik Syuhailah Nik Hussin, Safiek Mokhlis, Hayatul Safrah Salleh and Zuraimi Abdul Aziz

Stock Liquidity and Stock Return: The Moderating Role of Financial Constraint Using Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Sina Sheykhbaglou, Mehdi Heydari and Farzad Ghayour

Audit Education and Audit Expectation Gap in Nigeria: A Conceptual Review
Safiyanu Sule, Nor Zalina Mohamad Yusof and Ku Maisurah Ku Bahador
Safiyanu Sule, Nor Zalina Mohamad Yusof and Ku Maisurah Ku Bahador

The Impact of Financial Literacy on the Employees’ Investment Decision in Jigawa State
Suleiman Musa Ibrahim and Musa Shehu
Suleiman Musa Ibrahim and Musa Shehu

Empirical Analysis of Intellectual Capital and Firm’s Performance: Evidence from Nigeria
Ogaji, S. M. and Isichei, E. E
Ogaji, S. M. and Isichei, E. E